Trade license is a government endorsement authorising a person or a party to commence a business. The document is mandated by law to ensure that the business is in concurrence with the stipulated rules and ethical codes. Trade licenses are mainly required for establishments like hotels, restaurants, canteen, food stalls, manufacturing industries etc. while Shop Establishment is required for every shop and commercial establishment who is doing business or providing any services.
The trade license acts as a type of permission slip that gives you the ability to carry out your operational processes. You will need to acquire a trade license at least three months before you intend to commence your activities. During the last 40 years, trade licenses became available in India. There are 3 types of trade licenses that a company or individual can apply for based on the type of trade or business they take forward.
Trade License is a license or permission issued by the municipal corporation granting permission to carry on a particular trade on a particular address. Now the need of trade license registration in Chennai. The most important one is that it prevents you from being penalized. Carrying out business without procuring a trade license is an offence in India. Further it is a proof that no illegal activity is carried out in your establishment The Shop and establishment Act regulates the conduct of business like working hours, benefits to employees and all.
There are numerous benefits of trade license, those are as follows
Chennai Filings is web portal of Govche India Private Limited with operations since 2007. Chennai Filings is one stop business setup and consulting company, managed by specialized team of Business Analysts,Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants, Corporate Lawyers and Financial Professionals company headquartered in Chennai, India. Having known for our quality of services, delivering the projects on time, we have clients spread across the globe
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We will provide income tax return preparation, Revised return, Responding to Department notices and solving other Income Tax related issues.
Our Professionals Will help you in getting your business licenses and Business licenses necessary for smooth running of businesses
we will Provide Funds for both personal and Business. Our funding system gives a credit line facility, enabling you to expand your business to new heights
We will make your business to GST Compliance. Returns are required to be filed digitally online through a common portal to be provided by GSTN
The documents required for a trade license vary depending on the kind of business intended to be set up
The steps involved in the process to obtain Trade License are as follows
Navigate to the respective Municipal Corporation Website:
Applicants can file an application for licensing in the respective Municipal Corporation. Firstly, select the ‘Citizen Services’ option from the menu on the respective website.
Sign up:
Subsequently, click on to ‘Apply for Online Licenses’, here the applicant can register and fill up all the details such as name, emai ID, mobile number etc. Once the applicant submits the details, the system generates a User ID and Password.
Login and Fill Form:
Login with the ID and Password to Apply for New License. All information mentioned in the form such as Type of business, NOC, tax details of your tax must be filled.
Submit form and Upload Documents:
Once it is filled, click on the ‘submit’ button and upload the required documents. The Application and Documents are then verified by the Urban Local Bodies officials.
Unique Application Number:
Once verified, a Unique Application Number will be automatically generated.
Payment of Fees:
The page will redirect to the payment window. Then, the prescribed fees have to be paid by clicking on ‘Make payment’. You will get to choose different modes of trade license payment online.
Issue of License number:
once the fee is paid, the license number will be issued.
Fill the appropriate form as prescribed by the municipality to obtain trade license registration in Chennai.
Submit the duly filled form along with required documents to the municipal authority.
Concerned officer shall grant trade license to theapplicant after due verification of the documents and the form submitted.
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